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Artist, Arts Advocate & Veteran.

At the age of seventeen, DiAnne Cooper, began her career as a professional artist when she was commissioned to paint a mural for the Spanish Royal Navy.


After serving 11 years in the U.S. Navy, she completed her studies in film production and an internship with Oscar winning documentary producer Donna Dewey. 


2001-2005 - Senior Project Manager- Condit and Peak Exhibits - Managed the design, engineering, fabrication and installation of museum, tradeshow and visitor center exhibit projects with budgets totaling $70 million in 15 countries.


2005 - Opened DL Cooper Arts. Her paintings and sculptures are included in public and private collections in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Ms. Cooper also teaches Sculpting and Art Business courses at the Sculpture Depot in Loveland, Colorado.


2010 - Received the Excellence in Service Medal from the U.S. Army’s 172nd Infantry Brigade for the creation and donation of the Operation Iraqi Freedom Fallen Soldier Memorial. She is only the second civilian in their 150 year history to be honored with this award.


2010 – (2) Letters of Commendation –U.S. House of Representatives

2010 – Letter of Commendation –U.S. Senate


2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 - Selected by a panel of international art critics to represent the United States at the Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea di Firenze (Florence International Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art).


2008 - 2012 Director, Art and Archaeology Project – Artists working with scholars and archaeologists to raise funds for archaeological expeditions.


2013 - Sollertia Prize - Excellence in Arts Medal


2013 - Voted - 100 Greatest Sculptors of the 21st Century – International Art and Design Forum.


2014 - Board of Directors - Loveland Sculpture Invitational - International Show and Sale.

2015 - 2017 Writer and Illustrator - Rivers of Myth and Magic, Graphic Novel. Publication 2018. 


2016 Animalia - Completed a series limited edition digital paintings to benefit international wildlife conservation.

2014-2017 Invited to speak to local, state and national government and civic organizations about The Economic Benefits of Public Art. 


2016-2017 Began exploring the realm of abstract and created the collection on this website.



Major Projects


Oracle World Tour – 22 International cities tour of information and new media technologies; Keynote, breakout, demonstrations and training. Co-design and Project Management.


Communis, City of Thornton, Colorado - Gateway Bronze Sculpture


California National Historic Trail Interpretive Center, Elko, Nevada – I Saw the Elephant, Bronze Sculpture – U.S. Department of the Interior.


California National Historic Trail Interpretive Center, Elko, Nevada - Pioneer Camp Grouping, Bronze Sculptures - U.S. Department of the Interior.


Winter Park and Fraser - Trail Markers; in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service


NASA - Space Science Museum, Stennis Space Center – Design and Construction of Interpretive exhibit.


NASA - Traveling Museum Exhibit – Space Weather Center – Design and Construction of Interpretive exhibit.


Leonidas Expeditions 2011 - Hellenic Museum, Chicago, IL


American Kennel Club National Dog Show - Memorial Trophy


U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Energy – Design and Construction.


Gerald and Betty Ford Foundation – Betty Ford Memorial Gardens – Interpretive sculpture.



Military Service 1979 – 1991


Served nine years in forward overseas duty stations - Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm veteran.


First woman in the U.S. Navy to be awarded the Silver Wings of an Aviation Warfare Specialist.


Awarded Medals - Navy Achievement, Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship, Good Conduct, National Defense, Armed Forces Reserve, Kuwait Liberation.


Earned 22 Letters of Achievement and (2) Flag Officer Letters of Commendation for Exemplary Service.

At the Studio

At the Studio

Spanish Navy Mural

Spanish Navy Mural

Navy Medals

Navy Medals

Time in the Navy

Time in the Navy

NASA Exhibit

NASA Exhibit

NASA Exhibit

NASA Exhibit

Outside NASA Exhibit

Outside NASA Exhibit

Renewable Energy Exhibit

Renewable Energy Exhibit

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

Communis - Thornton Colorado

Communis - Thornton Colorado

Communis at the foundry.

Communis at the foundry.

Communis Detail

Communis Detail

Communis Detail

Communis Detail

Communis Detail

Communis Detail

Communis in the evening.

Communis in the evening.

Letters from Congress.

Letters from Congress.

King Leonidas

King Leonidas

Memorial Dedication U.S. Army.

Memorial Dedication U.S. Army.

Archaeological Society.

Archaeological Society.

Elephant - Pioneer Museum

Elephant - Pioneer Museum

Pioneer Museum Dedication

Pioneer Museum Dedication

Elephant - Pioneer Museum

Elephant - Pioneer Museum

Aon Astar - in progress.

Aon Astar - in progress.

Aon Astar - In Situ.

Aon Astar - In Situ.

Aon Astar - Singular.

Aon Astar - Singular.

Pioneer Grouping - Museum

Pioneer Grouping - Museum

Pioneer Grouping - In Progress.

Pioneer Grouping - In Progress.

Pioneer Grouping - In Progress.

Pioneer Grouping - In Progress.

Pioneer Grouping - Dedication

Pioneer Grouping - Dedication

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

b (36)Painting for Wildlife Conserva

b (36)Painting for Wildlife Conserva

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Painting for Wildlife Conservation

Automotive Dreamscape Sculpture

Automotive Dreamscape Sculpture

Automotive Dreamscape Sculpture

Automotive Dreamscape Sculpture

Automotive Dreamscape Sculpture

Automotive Dreamscape Sculpture

Automotive Artwork

Automotive Artwork

Automotive Artwork

Automotive Artwork

Automotive Artwork

Automotive Artwork

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Rivers of Myth and Magic

Speaking about Economics of Art

Speaking about Economics of Art

Click on an image to enlarge.

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